About the Journal

مجلة النهرين للعلوم القانونية هي مجلة فصلية محكمة متخصصة في العلوم القانونية بفروعها المختلفة تصدر عن كلية الحقوق / جامعة النهرين العراقية منذ عام 1987 باعداد فصلية متسلسلة ومنتظمة الصدور، تعنى بنشر البحوث القانونية، وحائزة على الرقم المعياري الدولي (ISSN ) ومعامل التأثير العربي رقم (2019-300).



Current Issue

Vol. 22 No. 3 (2020): The college of law
Published: 2024-01-19


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Note to contributors


1-The manuscript should be submitted in two copies in addition to the original. Typed with double space on one side of (A4) paper (29.7 * 12 cm).

2-The manuscript should not exceed (25) pages including tables and illustrations.

3-The manuscript should include: the title the abstract, the discussion, the conclusions, the list of reference and summary in a living international language.

4-The abstract should not be more than (200) words and it should start (if Arabic or not) with the title of the manuscript authors names, the occupation and address of business (and correspondence if different). Suitable numbers of Figures like (*) should be placed to connect authors names and their position.

5-Tables and illustrations like Figures. Photographs and line drawings should be clear and well prepared on a suitable trace paper and in a form suitable reproduction as well as submitting the originals of the photographs and Figures.

6-Tables, plates, and Figure should be numbered, title and referred to in the text consequently. They should be submitted on a separate sheet.

7-Only standard international Units. SI Units, should be used.

8-Abbreviations should not be used in the title of the manuscript or the abstract except that of the measurement units.

9-Abbreviations of the title of the periodicals that can be used are the ones in the world list of Scientific Periodicals, Lewis & Co., London.

10-Abbreviations fixed internationally should be used whether in measurement units or other common ones whether in measurement units or other common ones.

11-Unpublished reference are not accepted for publication and have got a volume number to be in .

12-Harvard’s style should or in the list of the reference in which author’s manes are connected with the year of publication as in CBE, style manual committee, 1983.

13-The reference should be referred to as they appear in the text by means of consequent in brackets.

14-The references are to be arranged in the list of reference alphabetically according to the author’s names and year of publication.

15-Volume, issue number and pages concerning references taken from periodicals should given.

16-If references are taken from books or scientific thesis; numbers of pages should be given.

17-Side- Notes can be used to clarify information and in this case side – notes should be numbered for each paper separately in consequent numbers.

18- copy rights of the published papers in the mega sine belongs to the college of law\al-Nahrain university. The researcher who published his paper will not be able to publish it unless after documentary approval from the chief of editors.

19- a paper that is submitted for publication is scientific evaluation. After the a approval of the evaluator, the magazine commits to publish it in the next issue if the paper satisfies the other previously mentioned items.

20-the college of law is responsible to present a suitable award to the researcher after publishing the paper according to the financial ability in the condition of submitting documentary claim by him.