مسؤولية منتسبي قوى الأمن الداخلي عن اعمالهم الشخصية دراسة مقارنة
Members of the Internal Security Forces practice several tasks and functions, including maintaining order, as the police prevent any manifestation of disruption to public order or public laws, such as internal strife events and disturbances that threaten public security, preserving public and private property, protecting state public facilities, and working to prevent the occurrence of Crimes.
The performance of the internal security forces ’employees to carry out the duties they are entrusted with may result in an abuse of the authority granted to them by virtue of their laws, whether it is deliberately arising from the exploitation of their job duties or from negligence and whether the harmful act that arose from that represents a negative error or a positive error. This leads to their civil liability and the responsibility of the authority they follow for the material and moral damages caused to the injured, which makes them subject to accountability, prosecution and compensation, which we will deliberately study in this research.